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3-Months to Forever Program 

Gravity and Grace is the answer to the problem I witnessed with countless clients. People come into tradition therapy not feeling great, but don't really know why, and not feeling confident in their own ability to assess and elevate their wellness.

This cultural disempowerment, perpetuated by consumerism and over-stimulation, makes it hard to feel connected to the wisdom and power that resides within each of us. Gravity and Grace is your compass back to sovereignty. You are Spirit, having a human experience, which has certain requirements for wellness, once we stabilize those foundational aspects of humanness (the physical horizontal plane of the cross) we can then call in the energies of our origin (the spiritual vertical plane of the cross) to enrich our lives with meaning, motivation, and purpose.

To learn more about Gravity & Grace, click on the video. Please note, that the clip is roughly 20 minutes, so find a quiet place, sit back and enjoy. 

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Hi, I'm Kathryn Austin

Founder of GRAVITY & GRACE


Gravity & Grace is a holistic life coaching system I created that revives a deep reverence for the human experience. Based on the model of a cross, we will take inventory of where your horizontal and vertical planes meet. We begin with reviewing, strengthening, and adjusting your “Gravity”—physical health, nervous system management, emotional regulation, employment satisfaction, relationships, and home environment.  

Once your horizontal plane is stable, we assess the vertical life plane, aka “Grace”—your connection to a higher power, orientation, and understanding of Self in the world, and how to access sustainable motivation and inner peace. The long-term goal is to use this model as a compass to help you identify what areas of your life need to shift to move towards the center of the cross, where wellness abides.

What to expect in sessions


My holistic approach to life coaching will address all aspects of your physical, psychological, and spiritual well-being, including:
  • Creating and maintaining a healthy diet and movement routines
  • Enhancing your living space with intention, beauty, and reverence
  • Strengthening communication by teaching coaching skills such as clarity and boundaries
  • Developing emotional maturity and stability in therapy through regulation exercises and long-term vision setting
  • Healing childhood wounds through inner child healing work and inner dialogue elevation
  • Cultivating sovereignty through self-responsibility and accountability
  • Deepening your connection to a higher power through spiritual coaching

As human beings with a divine essence, our work is to anchor ourselves in sovereignty while honoring our vulnerability. If you're alive, there is always a chance to connect to more love, understanding, and creativity. Creating an extraordinary life is your birthright—always remember, you are the Hero of your story.

Reach your potential


3 Months of Intensive 1:1 Coaching

  • Weekly Virtual Sessions
  • Holistic Wellness Workbook with over 40 exercises
  • Personalized Wellness Practices including Meditations, Mantras, Journaling Prompts, Communication Exercises, Readings, Rituals, Action Plans, and more
  • 3 months of On-call support
  • An entire year of resource sharing and community development
  • Followed by 9 months of 1:1 monthly integration calls
1-on-1 coaching

Dive deep into your development with personalized guidance.


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